This week, Sales gurus Bob Urichuck and Matthew Whyatt will be discussing how to set out a timeline for your life. There are some great tips and insights from both sales trainers in this episode to help you set your Lifeline.
Velocity Selling T.V. Episode 21 Transcript: Your Lifeline
Matthew: Well, welcome back everybody to episode twenty-one of Velocity Selling T.V. I’m Matthew Whyatt, your host, here on the beautiful Gold Coast in Australia and we’ve got the founder of the company, Bob Urichuck, up in Canada- Ottawa. How are you today Bob?
Bob: Great Matthew. Great to see you again.
Matthew: Great to see you too. Now, last time you asked our viewers to write down all their dreams, like nothing was impossible. And let’s assume, let’s hope everybody’s done it and if you haven’t done that, go back, watch the previous episode. Just take a pen and imagine it’s a magic wand and write down all the things you really want to do, have, be, in your whole life and just jot those down. So Bob, let’s assume that we’ve all done that. What’s next?
Bob: One of the key things is, you’ve gotta complete that, you know what I mean, within your deadline so it’s all done. The next step we have to look at is, I wanna share with you what we call a ‘lifeline’. You’re born at age zero. Now Matthew, somewhere out there, life’s gonna come to an end. I don’t know if you’ve ever picked a number but think about that and pick a number. Everybody should do this exercise: You’re born at age zero, when do you think it’s gonna come to an end? Now, you can have various reasons. I mean, I thought it would come to an end in my forties because I had a brother that had a stroke. My father died at sixty-seven. However, my mother lived to ninety-five and looked young for her age, and I feel a lot like her, so I kinda, like, based that, if my mother did it, I’ve got most of her genes, I’ll go to ninety-five. So, when do you think the end will be? That’s a key question. So zero, whjen will it come to an end? Write that number down. The next thing I want you to do is write your present age. So we have a scale now. So in this case here, let’s say this for easy math, we got zero and age ninety. If I was forty-five, obviously I would put that scale, I would mark that scale right smack in the middle at forty-five. And at one time I was forty-five and I had goals to age fifty. Because you see, the next thing I want you to do, is write down the age you want to retire. But again, you have to first have to find, what does retirement mean to you? What kind of retirement do you want to live? What kind of lifestyle do you want? To me, retirement meant a couple things: one, to have a business that was global in nature, where I had enough of a brand and reputation that I didn’t have to go looking for business, it would look for me. Another one was to be, to have a certain net worth and to be completely debtless. Now I’ve reached all those goals by age fifty and I have surpassed them and others since. But the main thing here is how you retire, when you want to retire, gives you that sense of accomplishment, you’ve accomplished what you want. So the question is this: you have zero, the end of life- let’s say ninety, you’re age forty-five, your retirement is fifty. That leaves us with a five year gap to get these things done. The question to the participants are: based on your present age and your retirement age, how many years have you got between now and retirement to ensure you could live the life of your dreams after retirement? And that’s the key thing and we call this the ‘Lifeline’. So you can get specific on it and start to place it. Now, the next thing of course, and we’re gonna do this in our next video episode, we’re gonna talk about grouping, categorising, prioritising. But before we get into that, let’s pretend, you had like I did, hundreds of pages of things you wanna do, get done, have and everything else. So what you need to do is, go through a let’s pretend technique. Let’s pretend Matthew just came back from the doctor, and he says ‘You’ve got six months left to live.’ I want you to go to the list of dreams and circle all the most important dreams that you would want to accomplish over the next six months. So what we’re doing here, is all the things we wanted, all the clutter you might say, we’re gonna get specific on the most important ones. Now that we have the most important ones, in the next episode, we’re gonna talk about how to group ‘em, categorise them, and prioritises didn’t take notice. Now it doesn’t end there. In this section I like to get people to thinking further. Let’s pretend, you died. What would you want your family to say about you? Your work associates? What would people say in the eulogy about you? How do you wanna be remembered? What’s your legacy? These are all things that this is a good time to think about and organise because as we move forward we’re going to be placing these things into goals and actually turning these goals into reality. So, that’s enough for today, I think, but does that make sense to you Matthew, to define your timeline, know where you’re at, know when you’re going to retire, how you wanna retire? And of course, thinking about your future and how you want to be remembered.
Matthew: Absolutley Bob. That’s really great, so the general idea is to know everything we want and then figure out what we really want in the next little part of our lives. So thanks for that Bob, I’ll see you on the next episode.
Bob: Thank you.
Matthew: Bye now.